مجلس الشعب السوري
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 الرئيسية لقاءات ومؤتمرات 

مها شبيرو ضيفة سيريا تايمز

السبت, 16 أيلول, 2017

The goals of foreign parliamentary delegations' visits to Syria are somehow different , but the main goal is to be briefed on the ongoing war in Syria and its effects on all fields of life.

This is what the Rapporteur of Foreign and Arab Affairs Committee in the Syrian People's Assembly [parliament], MP. Maha Shbero told the Syriatimes e-newspaper's journalist in a WhatsApp interview on Thursday.       

"It is noted that the visiting European delegations' opinions about what is happening in Syria have changed after they have seen the reality of events in the country," the MP asserted, indicating that the delegations'  previous opinions were based on fabricated news circulated by western media outlets.

 She made it clear that these visits have positive effects through changing the viewpoints of the visiting delegations about the events in the country.

The facts the visiting delegations notice in Syria

"The delegations notice the safe situation in Syrian cities, which proves  that western media outlets circulate fabricated and false reports about the country.   Moreover, they closely see the goals of the global war being waged on the country through their visits to Aleppo city and other areas in Syria. They also notice the strength of the Syrian and the Syrian people's support for their state and leadership," MP. Shbero said.

She added that all these facts lead to the change of the delegations'  viewpoints, which  manifests clearly in remarks being made by some of the members of the delegations and being published by the media of their countries contradicting their governments' viewpoints.

"These remarks leave impact on public opinion and put pressure on the European governments and decision-makers to reconsider their stances towards Syria," MP. Shbero stressed.

She pointed out that many foreign delegations visited Syria several times and stipulated security cooperation with the Syrian state in counterterrorism, but the Syrian government demanded the re-opening of their countries' embassies in Syria first.

"The western governments have encouraged some dignitaries to be members of the visiting delegation, who  promised that they will exert every possible effort to change the policies of their countries' governments towards Syria," the MP said, pointing out that it is possible to see partial change in European governments' stances towards Syria, if the MPs, who visited our country, are effective in their parliaments.

How visits are being arranged

MP. Shbero explained how these visits are being arranged.

"Syria participates in many conferences held by the Inter-Parliamentary Union where it explains to participating delegations the reality of events in Syria and the foreign-backed terrorism that hits it and targets its unity and independent national decision. After the explanation of the events in Syria, some members of Parliaments say that they want to visit the country in order to closely see what is happening. In this case, the People's Assembly invites those MPs to come to Syria."

Other visits are initiatives made by some MPs in coordination with some expatriates or the Syrian Ministry of Expatriates and Foreign Affairs.

"Personally speaking, victories being realized by the Syrian Arab army and its allies are behind the actual change of foreign countries' policies towards the country. Syria has triumphed thanks to the heroism and sacrifices of the Syrian Arab army and the steadfastness of the great Syrian people and their support for President Bashar al-Assad," MP. Shbero concluded.

Yesterday, a foreign delegation representing the Italian Senate arrived in Syria for a five-day visit during which it will hold talks with several Syrian officials and will visit several areas in the country.

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